Granhøj Dans presents 4 works the whole month. 


A rather naked duet


18.50 |9. – 14. August | 20.30 |16. – 21. August | Dancebase

Culture Fix

The student

A beautiful, profoundly naked performance presented as nature intended. This is a performance celebrating the pure, authentic, original beauty of nudity – as a contrast to the versions given to us by social media. Increasingly we see uncovered bodies readily exposed all over social media. All kinds of pornography are easily available and widely consumed. Modesty no longer exists when it comes to the naked body in virtual culture, yet young people feel shamed by natural nudity. In this provocative show, Palle Granhøj asks: ‘what has happened to our relationship to our natural nudity?’

BOLERO EXTENDED by Granhøj Dans/Seiko Dance

19.00 |23-25.August, 26-28. August | Studio One | DANCEBASE

The Scotsman


Mervyn Stutter’s Pick of the Fringe

★★★★★ A captivating performance that leaves the audience euphoric 


Boléro was written in 1928 as ballet music and the work is one of Ravel’s last and most famous. Palle Granhøj has transferred the music’s intensifying signature to a deconstructed version – and finally in its full length. The intensity of the melody and dancers increases throughout BOLERO – EXTENDED, giving it a powerful, uplifting, trance-like quality in a unique and iconic performance with nine dancers and eight cellists live onstage. 


15.20 |5. August – 7. August | Dancebase

“An outstanding stage fantasy with the incredible high-flying acrobatic dancer Mikolaj Karczewski alone on stage among the collection of gray stones of memories.” 


This solo performance with award-winning dancer Mikolaj Karczewski is based on personal material and made in collaboration with the obstruction master Palle Granhøj. Drawing on his father’s background as a miner, Mikolaj uses whimsical choreography to breathe life into the stones, finding music in them and from that music, dance arises. 


Granhøj Dans is an internationally acknowledged dance company that has it’s base in Denmark. The productions of Granhøj Dans are created by the company’s artistic director and choreographer Palle Granhøj, in close co-operation with the dancers.